Tea, fish, feet, fluff and Florence
I've been knitting loads, but not finishing or photographing very much. Unusually for me, I've been working on a couple of things for other people. I finally finished a wee thing I promised a friend an embarrassingly long time ago. I used some of the grey Donegal Tweed with multicolour flecks, held double, to make a restrained, pompom-free teacosy. She's an understated sort of woman, so my natural tendencies towards the day-glo, froufrou end of things were reined in! I'll have to photograph it in situ next time I visit.
I've also been collaborating with a new knitter and soon to be new mother on a tessellating fish baby blanket, using the Recipe for Fish version from Knitting Arrows (http://knittingarrows.blogspot.com/2006/04/fish-return.html). She's doing amazingly well! It's not the easiest first project but it's so cute, and I think making one little fish at a time is more satisfying than plugging away for years of your life on an endless garter stitch scarf. My friend picked out really beautiful colours for it, so I can't wait to see it completed - which should make the sewing up part (!) less annoying.
I'm nearly finished some plain, easy, knitting-in-the-office-while-trawling-JSTOR socks for myself in orange variegated Trekking. They've put me in a sockish mood again, which I've just fuelled with this lovely stuff from Gaiety Girl (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5148486):

I can't wait to get started on it! I might do something a bit more swanky with this - I love cables in semi-solids.
There has also been a fair amount of spinning and drumcarder related shenannigans going on. Unfortunately, it seems that my nonexistent camera skills and bogstandard camera are just not up to the job of photographing batts. The images don't look like anything to do with the originals at all! If you kind of squint at these two you can almost get a vague idea of what some of the resulting handspun is like, but the colours are completely off. Really, it's an overall deep purple made up of rich navy, charcoal grey and magenta-ish purple, with the odd tiny sprinkle of green carded in. It's got everything but the kitchen sink in it. Merino, alpaca (normal and baby), mohair, silk and sparkle.

Sadly, I will not be going to Woolfest this year after all, because I've got a place on a summer school in political anthropology...in Italy! Obviously I'm researching wool shops in Florence. Slightly scared by just how hot it's likely to be there in July, but it should be an adventure.
I've also been collaborating with a new knitter and soon to be new mother on a tessellating fish baby blanket, using the Recipe for Fish version from Knitting Arrows (http://knittingarrows.blogspot.com/2006/04/fish-return.html). She's doing amazingly well! It's not the easiest first project but it's so cute, and I think making one little fish at a time is more satisfying than plugging away for years of your life on an endless garter stitch scarf. My friend picked out really beautiful colours for it, so I can't wait to see it completed - which should make the sewing up part (!) less annoying.
I'm nearly finished some plain, easy, knitting-in-the-office-while-trawling-JSTOR socks for myself in orange variegated Trekking. They've put me in a sockish mood again, which I've just fuelled with this lovely stuff from Gaiety Girl (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5148486):
I can't wait to get started on it! I might do something a bit more swanky with this - I love cables in semi-solids.
There has also been a fair amount of spinning and drumcarder related shenannigans going on. Unfortunately, it seems that my nonexistent camera skills and bogstandard camera are just not up to the job of photographing batts. The images don't look like anything to do with the originals at all! If you kind of squint at these two you can almost get a vague idea of what some of the resulting handspun is like, but the colours are completely off. Really, it's an overall deep purple made up of rich navy, charcoal grey and magenta-ish purple, with the odd tiny sprinkle of green carded in. It's got everything but the kitchen sink in it. Merino, alpaca (normal and baby), mohair, silk and sparkle.
Sadly, I will not be going to Woolfest this year after all, because I've got a place on a summer school in political anthropology...in Italy! Obviously I'm researching wool shops in Florence. Slightly scared by just how hot it's likely to be there in July, but it should be an adventure.
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