Baby's First Socks

I knitted my very first pair of socks recently, and am now a convert. How could I ever have doubted the wisdom of spending considerable time and money on something you can buy five of for two quid in Primark? These are a different article altogether from my drawer full of limp, defeated-looking Primark versions, which do nothing more than stop my shoes sticking to my feet. Socks that fit and keep me warm are a revelation! One problem is that I now resent wearing any others (better get knitting) and another is that I sound quite, quite mad when evangelising about handknitted socks. Which is why I'm doing it here, rather than further tormenting Mr L.
I started off using the 'Universal Toe-Up Sock Formula' from Knitty, and discovered how much fun short row toes are to knit. The way they make a little pouch of themselves is just so clever, and every time I use short rows for anything I seem to grasp a wee bit more firmly how knitted fabric works. I didn't want to do a short row heel, however, because I suspected that this might result in the sock bunching up at the front of the ankle, which would annoy me. (The socks in the Knitty photo do appear to have a little wrinkle at the top of the foot. It looks uncomfortable, but I'll have to give it a go some time and see.) I liked the look of the modified strong heel from 'Amy's Socks' (free pattern at
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