22 October 2006

It works!

It's a pleasant, dull Sunday and I'm wrestling with my homage to 'elfin goth', the amazing improvised jumper by domiknitrix shown at
http://www.domiknitrix.com/prj/elfingoth.cfm. Mine's more 'rugged goth', being made from some vintage Emu Fiord chunky wool rather than the slinky green stuff domiknitrix uses for her lacy wonder. As she just gives general advice on the construction, I'm having fun working it out. I love short rows but the 3Dness they produce makes my brain hurt. Making up something like 'elfin goth' from scratch must require some serious thinking round corners.

By doing this I'm "notting", as my Granny said, in this case not crocheting a garter for my friend's wedding, using this pattern

When lovely Mr Lorenzo gets home, I'll borrow his camera and work out how to post photos. He just rang from work and offered to bring home the Sunday paper, knowing that I spent my last few quid in an unscheduled pub visit last night and thus haven't had my weekly fix of the Everyman crossword. My hero!


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